Beijing BEFTRE Green Material Co.,Ltd
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    custom Biodegradable Trash Bag ,biodegradable bag ,Biodegradable Dog Poop Bag ,Biodegradable Vegetable Bag ,Biodegradable Clothing Bags
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    North America , South America , Eastern Europe , Oceania , Western Europe
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    Changping Beijing

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Lucy cui

Lucy cui

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Best Products about Biodegradable Trash Bag , Biodegradable T-shirt Bag and Biodegradable Dog Poop Bag

Company Profile

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Beijing BEFTRE Green Material Co.,Ltd

  • Beijing China
  • custom Biodegradable Trash Bag ,biodegradable bag ,Biodegradable Dog Poop Bag ,Biodegradable Vegetable Bag ,Biodegradable Clothing Bags
  • North America, South America, Eastern Europe, Oceania, Western Europe
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Beijing BEFTRE Green Material Co., Ltd. (BEFTRE) is in the business of converting unique environmentally beneficial materials science into value added products and services for industrial and consumer applications. BEFTRE was founded in 2009 by Dr.Chengguoren, an expert in biodegradable material industries, The outstanding student of Dr. Ramani Narayan who is a university distinguished professor in the department of chemical engineering and materials science at the Michigan State University College of Engineering. An internationally acclaimed thought leader and expert in bioplastics – focusing on the manufacture of bio-based and compostable plastics.

We are engaged in the production, sales and development of biodegradable materials and products include transparent, green biodegradable and compostable bag, disposable tableware, and packaging compostable foam Etc.

Consistent with our desire to expand our offering of environmentally beneficial to the public, we developed certified compostable bioplastics through our SuperBIO line of products to further reduce any negative impact on the environment.

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  • Lucy cui
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